Friday, October 15, 2010

La Mousse au Chocolat - Vegan Chocolate Mousse

La Mousse au Chocolat
       Vegan Chocolate Mousse
 For my first adventure in cooking French specialties à la végétalienne, I began with something I esteemed easily translatable to a vegan recipe. A popular French desert that can be found from the flunch cafeteria to a five star restaurant and that is almost always au menu: La mousse au chocolat! In the usual version, the key to this great mousse are the whipped egg whites. The veganized version of this recipe usually calls for tofu. While browsing various recipes, my interest was peaked by another alternative: avocados. I decided to go with a hybrid. Behold my original recipe for mousse au chocolat. Should you choose to try to recreate this chef-d’oeuvre, preparation time is approximately 10minutes. This recipe yield around 8 servings so that in accordance with the spirit of fraternité, you may share!

two avocados
10 oz of silken tofu
5tplsp maple syrup
1.5tsp vanilla extract
12oz of vegan chocolate chips

Directions: First set up a double boiler so that you can melt your chocolate chips. For time sake, you can start your water boiling while you do this next part. In a blender or food processor combine first four ingredients and blend until smooth. When water comes to a full boil, add your chips to the top pot of the double boiler and stir constantly to speed up the melting process. Once chocolate is smooth and all bits are melted, add directly to blender or food processor still containing the tofu and avocado mousse. Blend until chocolate is evenly distributed throughout. Portion into cups, and chill. Garnish however you see fit!
These guys travel particularly well. Bon voyage!

 Merci et Bonne Appétit!

 Photography by: Deanna Miller

1 comment:

  1. To garnish this batch, I used toasted slivered almonds and bits of caramelized sugar. To toast the almonds, I threw a handful on a sheet of foil and popped them into the toasted over on high (I will warn you though, you really gotta keep a close watch on these because they will burn when you aren't looking!) For the sugar, I used the same basic process. I put about two teaspoons of sugar on the same foil sheet and and left it in the toaster over until the sugar on the edges started to caramelize. Once cooled, you can take a fork to the sugar to break it up into crumbles or sheets.


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